Flat Emitter Drip Tape (Patch Drip Irrigation Tape)

drip irrigation hose/tape

The new agricultural flat emitter drip tape allows water to reach the roots of plants directly through flat emitters. This drip tape is widely used in farm drip irrigation projects and is effective for crops such as potatoes, cotton, and various vegetables.


  1. High-Quality Material: Made from PE raw materials and advanced manufacturing processes, the drip tape is corrosion-resistant and anti-aging.
  2. Superior CV and Uniformity: Offers excellent coefficient of variation (CV) and uniform water distribution.
  3. Advanced Emitter Design: The drip tape features new labyrinth channel emitters with strong anti-clogging performance.
  4. Lightweight and Easy to Transport: The emitters are embedded through extrusion molding, making the tape lightweight and conveniently packaged in rolls for easy transportation.
  5. Cost-Effective: Ideal for large-scale farm applications, offering an economical solution for irrigation.
  6. ISO 9261:2004 Compliance: Manufactured under strict ISO 9261:2004 standards, ensuring precise control over diameter, wall thickness, emitter spacing, flow rate, burst pressure, CV, emission uniformity, carbon black content, static pressure, and tensile strength.

Important Notes

  1. System Pressure: Should be maintained between 50kPa and 100kPa.
  2. Emitter Orientation: Ensure all emitter holes face upwards.
  3. Filtration: Requires 120-mesh filtration.
  4. Proper Alignment: Arrange the drip tape neatly and level.
  5. Protection: Avoid damage from insects and rodents.

By adhering to these guidelines, the flat emitter drip tape can provide efficient and reliable irrigation for a variety of crops, enhancing productivity and water management on your farm.

Product Details

Flat Emitter Drip Tape
Drip irrigation tapes
Transport Drip Irrigation Tapes